Places to check out.
Hipster Please! I check Hipster Please! daily, it's a fantastic blog with info about all the best you are and aren't hearing!
Optimus Rhyme I love the Optimus more than is probably healthy.
Beefy's site, Beefyness!
Rhyme Torrents a can't miss site, there is so much I can't even begin to explain!
MC Frontalot Got to love the Front!
YTCracker Check it on out. Rajah, so I can read all about wrestling related shit and spoilers.
Pyschobilly Online a great hub, check it out
The Horrorpops website, one of my favorite pyschobilly bands.
Trophy Queen Metal Flake kulture driven purses. The lovely Jenny is making me a kustom piece, and I couldn't be more excited about it!
Bettie Page Official site! My inspiration.
Muskabeatz Oh you must buy this album, Chad Muska has rounded up
the ultimate in hip hop heavyweights. Brilliant, has a true head bobbing feel, it may have well been recorded
in 89-it is all classy...Biz Markie,MC Lyte,KRS One...the beatz go on baby!
Skate America. Wicked friendly staff; huge selection and uber fast
shipping. Dig that email-able wish list; can't say enough. D
s Chadillac arrived 11th hour on his was amazing..Skate America rocks bells.
Tiger Army the online home of Tiger Army! Check out their albums, you'll dig it.
Devil Doll site of Devil Doll, gorgeous swing/rockabilly, her voice is so smokey! A must for your record collection.
Samoa Joe baby!
Art of Skateboarding. This is brilliant, check out all sorts of
obscure old decks, and familiar favorites. My prized possesions are my two Ray Underhill decks, both of which are featured
at AoS. I nearly cried seeing the first deck and my mind wobbled at their release dates as 89 and 90 respectively. Cor! Time flies. But right down to
the color that is my board (89 lace/cross). lol. :)
Beth Black Dahlia site. Mind you, it isn't for all
audiences, if you are squeamish you shouldn't visit. The site is information and links regarding the murder
of the young woman. Record label site, lots of bands,merch and links.
Zombie Pin I can't tell you how much I love this. Brilliant! If you are at all
squeamish however...I suggest perhaps you skip it.
Jimmy Vargas and the Black Dahlias! If you like your swing with a little octane tinged noir. You best
check them out toute suite.
CM Punk because even though I fall under the 'if you aren't now,you never were' you have to applaud this sick
ass sXe wrestler and support the hell out of him. Get all your Spawn and McFarlane news here. as the name suggests it is stupid. Mind you it is one of the best places to buy errr...stupid gifts.
Heartagram site of Him/Her.
Nekromantix loooove the Nekromantix, another band that you must grab all the albums of.
WWE Main Site.
I can't hardly get my head around WWE. Always will be Federation in my heart.
Desire Live official site of Shelly Martinez, a gorgeous pin up that you may also know from ECW as Ariel.
The Wonderful and Talented Shannon Ward.
As Babs and Buster would say- No Relation. Formerly WCW's Daffney. Catch Shannon now as OVW's Lucy!
My Ancient Daffney site. Wow. This is old! But of interest is a tiny interview w/Shannon.
Biohazard The Haz's site.
D Listed, gotta love it.
The Regrettable Food Gallery Oh wow this site is funny, great for a late
night read. Meat Meat Meat Part 2 is definitely worth a cruise. Is host to the above Regrettable Food gallery. Probably one of the best sites on the
internet. Hours of entertainment and humour. Ooh Dita Von Teese.
Always Canadian oi! When I can't count on my brothers to bring home Hostess Ketchup Chips and Cherry Blossoms, this site brings Canada back to you Stateside.
Element's site, various info regarding team riders, current decks and gear....
Steve's site. Steven Burn's that is. I miss the picture of him jumping off the thinking chair.
This is if you know me at all you know I adore Blythe, and now am really getting into the
Pullip ones and all. If you head to the forums do say hey my little handle there is heartagram.
Living Dead Dolls. I have a special place in my heart (and on my desk) for these. The site of the Bleeding Edge Goth fashion dolls.
Dr Locks. Stuff for your hair.
Urban Decay Makeup!
Bill Goldberg official site. Who doesn't love Gooooold.....Beeeerrrrrrg.
Girly Heaven.AKA Sephora.
Rasputina Official site. Wonderful cellists,gothic chamber music according to lead singer Melora Creager.
My Rasputina Fansite. Unfortunately I see things I wrote straight up lifted, never mind picture scans. But hey we all want rasputina to have coverage. :) So that is of the good. In dire need of updating!
Mediaeval Baebes fantastic group, they sing so beautifully and it isn't a trick of recording. I have been fortunate to hear them sing live and these ladies are fantastically talented.
Depeche Mode. No really I own other albums..really.Yes.Honest.
Something about Star Wars.
Storm Wrestling Lance Storm's site. Lance Storm is an amazing talent and massively underused IMHO. His site is great, you can check out his oft updated commentaries,polls and check out the book club. An amazing talent, he is a great technitian. I don't know about you but I'd rather see Lance Storm wrestle someone w/a great technical match over flash and sizzle mini-matches. A good long Bret Hart style bout is my preference.
One day I hope Benoit or Angle is on the same roster as Storm because you can bet their matches would be classics. Plus he rocks the Canadian pride!
BtVS Buffy baby,rather slaytanic slayer Faith,Eliza Dushku.
Gamesville win cash-they say, bingo is fun when insomnia rears its uh-scusting head. If you are bored enough you can IM
me during hot bingo action is blackdahliablythe
Always something fun to browse.
Sean O'Haire. Nothing but those fascinating Sean O'Haire promos. Brilliant!
Public Enemy. Chuck D is still one of my all time heros. Public Enemy is hands down the best
rap group ever, accept no argument. There is everything, intelligence,it is timely,great hooks and Terminator X knows how to make it last.
Songs sound as fresh today as it did on it's release. Plus you have to love this snippet from By the Time I Get to Arizona 'Neither party is mine not the jackass or the elephant.'
Read commentaries by Chuck D and see what is new with the Enemy recording wise.
Bob Burnquist's site. How much does Bob B. rule,eh? Plus check out links to his organics shop.
Bam Margera's site. I'm a Phil and April mark. Now that is a dynamic duo.

Custom Steel. The most beautiful and unique stainless piercing jewelry you can find. The neo-tribals are stunning. I have two pair and haven't even considered changing them. Wonderful quality. RP's home on the web! No one rocks a kilt and attitude like Mr. Piper.
Great Island Tattoo Nice tattoo
studio;my mum,my sisters and I have gotten wonderful work done here, I got two Lenore
pieces here as well as my heartagrams. Special heads up wo Lorna, who does great work.
Spooky World the only thing Spooky are the patrons,
mind you I have been so include me there. Very hokey but take the fam/friends along and wicked

the official Roman Dirge website.

 Designing retro, flirty clothing and accessories showcasing classic pin up art of the 1940s and 1950s

Tash Taskale he is a phenomanal artist and makes the most
gorgeous titanium rings. The look very sci-fi almost like alien hieroglyphics in movies and what all.
The annodized titanium shades are vibrant and stand up to fading. - Playboy Playmates, Playboy Magazine Back Issues, and more!

I am 71% Goth
 .... Freakiness pumps through my veins, but I can still laugh at myself.
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I am 50% Punk Rock
 The intelligent punk. Tuff and Smart. I may be able to maintain a train of thought long enough... What the fuck was I talking about?
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